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We as a community wish to end homelessness (there are few ideas businesses/ organizations/ community members could offer to achieve that and assist the current homeless community in the interim to sustain their safety and well-being: 


Unity in the world is independent of prejudice/intolerance and for building human dignity for self and others. It is achievable by being Eunuchs as prophets, saints, and believers of impartial divinity were. 


Some community members, whether they are homeless or not, experience trauma.  Therefore, businesses could dedicate special hours to shopping and congregating in this community. This would allow them to be away from home and see the community again, which can assist in their recovery.


DHS and other organizations must see cases with every detail to eliminate any potential before an eviction process could happen and be a partner to case manage to keep our community at their homes.


Children of any age and condition should be able to vote on positive human rights issues. 


Charging facility/ stations (climate controlled) for electronics needed for homeless, and we as a community need to fundraise for it or wish to know your ideas to improve access to charging with currently available facilities as some of our community work and attend school during homelessness and if they are not, they can with electronics charged and WIFI.


AATA and other transportation stations should have donated clothing, shoes, and other necessities for someone experiencing extreme weather and not prepared during transport or due to life transition; full-day bus passes and transfers Should be donated.


AATA should accept any change for the buses.


Community members donate cars to the needy.


Community members should offer promissory note loans for their or other houses and cars. 


Community members should donate unused gift cards and try to sell unused modest (as it is a core value of a Eunuch) items and then donate from them. 


USPS should donate stamps to financially burdened students, the homeless, and modest-income community members.


​Urgent care centers could transition to 24-hour service by accepting any patient with 5% of their savings (if saving is $500 or less).  Community members with higher savings should see care based on affordability yet not to exceed $100.


The community could fundraise for Shower stalls to be built within a county for the homeless, and homeowners with unused homes too can offer bathrooms for showers for the homeless. 


Community members could ask restaurants to serve slightly fewer portions and donate to the homeless at the end of the day. Businesses can also donate unused inventory instead of discarding it.


Businesses transition to vegan options as they are safer and cheaper, provide a lower price to customers, and serve vegan food.


Counter Height serving stations/registers where food is served to customers.


Businesses/ restaurants could offer % off for the homeless community and many more monthly subscriptions. There must be a subscription for an unlimited healthy sip club at other businesses, such as Panera. Panera can add an unlimited bread subscription for $10 and unlimited soup for $20. [bread with healthy ingredients such as protein and other fortification for proper nourishment, yet it shouldn't be that different from plain bread as it would be unlimited; therefore, just enough fortification without changing the bread too much, it should add unto calories and food value as regular meal per day, which would assist homelessness state budget]. Panera can initiate paying forward program where a customer doesn't use rewards for money off of an item, or a reduced offer of bakery items can be offered to a modest income/no-income person. $2 off sandwich/ soup and off-value pick two could be offered for modest income/no income person regardless of paying forward program. 


Many other restaurants should have similar savings.


Every Bus/ public transportation should have electronic charging and WIFI.


Homeownership costs shouldn't vary from city to city, and. then it would be affordable to convince the homeowner of work/other reasons to own property. 


No music in public settings; it is not fair to every person. 


Find Best In Class Services after benchmarking every state's services and laws and the cost it guides and adapt the most affordable cost and the best services and laws for every state [keeping in mind affordability for everyone and human dignity].


DTE to upgrade houses to make energy efficient at free/modest cost/ Public electric utility.


No Hunger, Fight for Human Rights, Fight against injustice, No animal cruelty, Save Wildlife/ other creatures, Preserving Environment (No pollution, Renewable Energy, Recycling, Saving Forest, Clean Transportation, etc.).


Tax returns of a family should deposit to their individual persons' accounts.


Banks should give skip pay for loans without fees for three consecutive months when someone is experiencing homelessness, even when they are not current on their payments.


Attorneys should offer free and income-based fees for homeless or community members with modest income more often and more affordable than now.


EBT cards should permit 30% spending for other merchandise or service anywhere. 


Medicare and Medicaid should cover co-pays or other fees for homeless or community members with modest incomes.


Complete health insurance coverage for individuals is $50 and $100 for families.


Banks should provide the best rates for any loans for someone experiencing homelessness [or verge of that] independent of their credit scores. Banks should provide a 0% interest fee balance transfer card to consolidate debt to offer basic minimum affordable payment. 


Auto or any other insurance and memberships should have 50% off the standard rate for someone experiencing homelessness.


Renters' (home, auto, etc.) insurance, vehicle registrations, license plates, and other administrative paperwork of every business should provide 50% off the standard rate for someone experiencing or transiting from homelessness.


Mobile parks could have climate-controlled tiny homes for purchase with 50%-off site cost (as it would take less land) or none for six months to assist the transition from homelessness to a permanent house. They can approve any credit for purchase or rent. The rent of these tiny homes should not exceed $500.


Healthcare costs should be affordable for the insured or uninsured. Essential routine checkups (yearly physical, dentist, eye exam, and prescription) should be free or modest cost based on affordability. Today's higher-cost medical attention should be free or modest for the insured or uninsured. 


There shouldn't be a disparity among different states (or cities among a state) within the United States regarding services laws and other aspects. There should be a team to integrate the Best In Class services among states where citizens anywhere have the best possible life and are not guided by where they live. 


To have equal pay for every work (no hierarchy in paycheck within an organization and from organization to organization and from profession to profession). That way, many services can be modest or zero cost. 


Associate or other Certification after high school shouldn't exceed $2000.


Affordable higher education costs for universities would permit anyone to achieve higher education, not more than $10, 000 for a bachelor's and master's degree, etc., as anyone can pay with a personal loan and would pay since no one can pay substantial student loans.


The City of Ann Arbor could pay the homeless community to keep the city free of trash if their time permits, as they have enough struggles. 


The City of Ann Arbor residents could keep the city free of trash by carrying trash bags and sanitary wipes and picking up trash as they have the time it is to keep the city free of hazards from walking and or keep the city from spending more money from other setbacks  [airborne illnesses, other component's failure (plastic leach in extreme weather) by keeping outside without recycling which can jeopardize creatures in the nature, etc.].


Extend some restaurants to 24 hours with customer seating/resting/ordering without the time limit restraints.


Vegan options, such as flatbread, etc. (Square or how Panera has their flatbreads and other vegan options pleasing to the eyes).


No animal cruelty.


Continuous Bike/ Scooter etc., paths for every road.


Community members can help donate cars to a homeless family or a person.


Placement of Trash Bins in front of every business would eliminate most littering.


Businesses could keep patio tables and chairs outside to provide the homeless community a place to rest or take a break.


There could be lighted overnight parking with surveillance and security since some homeless community members have cars and shelters that don't have space for them, or they are exited after their stay and have nowhere to go as housing wasn't secured. Existing parks and parking with surveillance and primarily empty could be offered for a person with a car experiencing homelessness. 


Abundant real estate could be used for summertime shelters for the homeless.


Community offices and church basements can offer nighttime shelter for winter for the homeless. 


Community members can donate toiletries to the homeless community.


The community could donate prepackaged food and drinks for the homeless community.


Community members could donate RVs to nonprofits for shelter for the homeless. 


Community members could purchase modest-cost products by giving up not mandatory (for instance, buying lotteries or expensive jewelry charms), spending and saving money to donate to shelters and the homeless community.


Community members can invest time speaking to the homeless community to see if they can communicate.


Businesses should not have an attitude to trespassing on the homeless community, instead should speak with respect and dignity and be a partner in communication to assist with any work they can offer to our kind homeless community and provide monetary rewards and hire the homeless community.


Businesses should give away water cups to the homeless.


Businesses could carry microwaves for the homeless. 


Businesses shouldn't object to homeless use of restrooms. 


Community members can carry bottled water sanitary wipes and make a few bags before they start to travel and share them with the homeless community if they see them and have no objection. 


Give away sides when free with an entree and ask businesses to donate to the homeless. 


Give away refills for drinks and ask businesses to donate to the homeless.


Kids meal free with an adult meal for all restaurants and subscription benefits for all restaurants.


Community members should be able to order half an order and pay half a lesser price if they give away sides.


Give away savings from sacrifice (not buying/ordering extra items) a few times a week and ask businesses to initiate a charity box to share with the homeless. 


Give away donations that you wish for yourself. 


Community members should give away their discount for community members who would temporarily basis need and won't object to it (senior discount, teacher's discount, etc.).


Employees could give away free meals to the homeless if it is offered through employers.


Housing and other services for seniors, the disabled, and minorities should be 30% of income.


If you have any other ideas not mentioned here, you could send us a note, and we would add them to our website, and you could initiate your campaign to end homelessness as you are as extraordinary as them.


Community members can sell unnecessary items and donate from them. They can also donate unused gift cards and store credits.



AATA (Ann Arbor Transportation Authority) Notes from Women United Nonprofit:


  • Bigger trash inside the bus is needed for guests to throw away the trash. Bigger trash cans at bus stops.


  • ​Offer night shelter for homeless inside AATA building when warming shelter end 3/31.​


  • AATA, Michigan Flyer, D2A2 buses, and other school /church buses, RV dealers could provide nighttime shelter for communities experiencing homelessness or on the verge of homelessness. 


  • To have climate-controlled awnings at the bus stops.


  • AATA could pay the homeless community to change the trash near bus stops.


  • The announcement should stop when there is a stop request. When there is upcoming stop, other announcement should stop. 


  • Sidewalks at AATA are narrow, and some employees walk and stay there, which doesn't permit riders to catch the next bus or go to a place on time after getting off the bus.


  • Not to put images on the bus, instead write business names which would permit many businesses marketing. We need the same dignity as someone who can afford a car.


  • Should permit passenger entry/exit if the length of red light or STOP sign permits since work, school, and other factors may make us not just on time at bus stop yet necessary for us to go the next destination as some of us work many work assignments including volunteering.


  • If a person doesn’t need a transfer, it should be printed anyway for if anyone needs it on an emergency basis. 


  • Reduce the cost of an unlimited monthly bus pass for individuals (I recently saw a reduction) and $50 for the entire family. Otherwise, it would cost about or more than a car. We see buses are empty sometimes.


  • Button Stop is not placed for everyone’s access to stop the bus.


  • Give rewards when belonging etc., is returned to the passenger to AATA when another passenger forgetfully leaves it.


  • Extend the Library Card usage for bus rides and for shelter residents, grant library cards to ride a bus for a month for free, which would permit them to find jobs and retrieve documents from different organizations. 


  • AATA could offer a discount for community members who would have temporary basic needs (as senior discount etc.)


  • All buses should have electronic charging capability and WIFI. 


  • There should be trash at any bus stop.


  •  Buses should not start driving until the passengers are checked and comfortable to find a seat.


  • The charging station inside of the AATA office could be open 24 hours for the homeless community with wifi.


  • This is what I could think of as a bus rider. We can update our website with community members' ideas.


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