My (Nayeema) dream of a peaceful world that I saw others share too:
Trust Divinity as the Intangible Holy Spirit, an omnipresent and complete good entity (not a person).
No hierarchy in the community, No role model, and trusting your own Unique Eunuch Proper to make a difference.
The community is not only guided by the law, as anyone can keep or break the law and be safe or not based on their knowledge of the law. In today's world, more money meets every law, and knowing money, unfortunately, means safety. Therefore, Jesus never wanted to control the world nor wanted money. Jesus also mentioned that the most important commandment is care and compassion without hate, and it is only possible by carrying the cross. Having a cross means a sacrifice that promotes respect for self and others and is honest and without hypocrisy (this statement is for older communities and its members). Children are innocent and need not be spoken about strictly laws as they are near to divinity. Creating confusion in children's minds can happen if the older community members talk about the law, which is hypocrisy and promotes disrespect).
An older person doesn't have a right to counsel or baptize a child, as Jesus didn't command his disciples to baptize children.
No music in public settings.
No Mafia. Oppose the Mafia and save the current and future children.
End church hypocrisy (intolerance, prejudice, hate, judging, and it is against divinity's command to humanity).
Live as an Eunuch from inside of our hearts and live up to the meaning of the word every step of the way.
Marriage should be rephrased to "HOLY MATRIMONY," and they should be known as "FRIENDS" with equal income and raise cloned children (need research and development for gene cloning, which permits, from my knowledge, equal respect).
"HOLY MATRIMONY" need not be administered by anyone as it is a commitment for two people.
Children should have bank accounts from childhood (this idea is from a saint child).
Children should be permitted to be board members of nonprofits.
Children of any age and condition should be able to vote on positive human rights issues.
Disabled communities at any age and condition should be able to vote on positive human rights issues.
Businesses/community members celebrate Eunuch life by designing no-brand modest clothes [neutral shades (white, black, grey) as some community members experience trauma, color blind, etc.], which doesn’t differ among the different spectrums of community members.
A family's Tax returns should be deposited to their individual person's accounts.
No Name Brand.
No imagery for business marketing.
Recycling is a good idea. However, the problem is monumental now due to the significant amount of usage. Everyone is on the run to make a living and has no time. It is essential to take care of the root cause of the problem that makes recycling a must. Then, the need for recycling can be significantly reduced or eliminated when our community has a happy, restful life with equal pay as others and is respected equally. Homes/Businesses/restaurants can transition to products that permit permanent usage.
Green World: paperless world.
No Hunger, Fight for Human Rights, Fight against injustice, No animal cruelty, Save Wildlife/ other creatures, Preserving Environment (No pollution, Renewable Energy, Recycling, Saving Forest, Clean Transportation, etc.).
There shouldn't be a disparity in what people can own and wherever they are congregating.
Everyone act and behave with respect and dignity for themselves and others without living up to traditional gender role, which is contradictory to a life of a Eunuch.
Children are respected with proper dignity since they are nearer to divinity and speak to them to hear their perspectives instead of needless teaching, which traditionally portrayed to us as they don’t have the same or better insight than us, and we know it is not true.
Pity or counseling to be gone when anyone speaks to a person with a disability as they see this world unique way. Knowing their perspectives as any other person in the community is a right for a person with a disability.
The world cares for solitarily no animal cruelty and lives as vegans. Businesses should have affordable vegan options just as other options or even better prices. The vegan option is not only healthy but also safer to prepare and costs less than other options. Therefore, I believe the options should be cheaper [Flat Vegan option, such as flatbread, etc., square or how Panera has their flatbreads and other vegan options pleasing to the eyes].
Healthy food without too much salt, sugar, or preservatives.
No animal cruelty.
Counter-height serving stations/registers where food is served to customers.
Equal pay for any profession. Equal retirement benefits.
Housing costs and services are not to exceed 30% of income for anyone.
Universal Healthcare/ Health insurance costs not to exceed $50 per individual and $100 per family.
Full coverage insurance for individuals is $50 and $100 for families.
Affordable higher education. (unto $2000 for associate and $10,000 for any higher education).
Find Best In Class Services after benchmarking every state's services and laws and the cost it guides and adapts the most affordable cost and the best services and laws for every state [keeping in mind affordability for everyone and human dignity].
Cut spending for NASA and spend for the community instead.
Revoke Homeland Security instead of community members from each country speaking to each other on national TV / social media and by many different avenues to say, "We are your friends and want to know your perspectives.” The world now sees differences and is either fearful, prejudiced, or political about it as it is spoken to us; however, does it have to be?
Best-in-class laws and services are adopted across 50 states—no disparities between states and cities within those states regarding affordability and comfort.
DTE to upgrade houses to make energy efficient at free/modest cost. Public electric utility.
Shared transportation/bus rides for community members and a minimum amount of cars per happy family would permit reduced gas dependency and traffic situations.
Never to mention to children negative about anyone yet protect them, when necessary (cross a street etc.), where it would give a dream to them where they would see our community members as an equal and trustworthy and older community live a life of a Eunuch to make our children proud.
Financially sound countries and their members to speak and share their money with other developing country community members through nonprofits and make the world a better place where we would be equal and have equal rights and “LIVE EUNUCH.”